
const result = await
  web3, // Web3 instance configured with metamask provider
  chainId, // Network id of blockchain
  collectionItemSaleId, // Sale Id of the item on auction
  bidderAddress, // Address of bidder/buyer
  bidPrice, // Bid Price placed on item
  tokenAmount //Amount of token

An event is emitted in this function call:

BidOrderReturn: It can be retrieved from the returned transaction receipt.

const bidOrderReturn =;

bidOrderReturn variable is an object with following key-value pairs:

  buyerAddress: "0x3A0b38AAC59429e628f3064bb0332061d0602883"; //Address of the buyer
  price: "60000"; // Buyer's bid on the item
  saleId: "97"; // Sale Id of the item
  sellerAddress: "0xe18B1dFb94BB3CEC3B47663F997D824D9cD0f4D2"; // Address of seller
  withdrawn: false; // Current status of the bid
  tokenAmount: "10" //Amount of token